Trying to understand this sign is a bad day

action of everyday

X Action of everyday is a good day.

Tim says:

Uh… what? I’m really not quite sure what they meant to say here. This English translates to 「毎日の動きはいい日です。」The biggest problem with it is that “Action” is the subject, so “Action = a good day”, which makes no sense. I suppose it should be something like this:

O Any active day is a good day.


Quiz No. 527




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No. 299 PAIN

I can't carry so heavy baby 今週のよくある英語の間違い:
  • 「I can’t carry so heavy baby」
  • 「I have a footache」
  • 「I hurt my foot finger」
  • 語彙ポイント: 「そのまま」
  • “L or R” answer (click here) (music from
Co-host: Keiko

This mistake has not been changed.

has been changed

X Imagine how food culture has been changed

Tim says:

The grammar of this sentence is not wrong, but why is it passive (受け身)? It doesn’t feel natural. We would use “has been changed” if we wanted to talk about who or what changed it (“our food culture has been changed by technology”), but otherwise, we’ll just say “changed”:

O Think about how food culture has changed

Also, “imagine” is a little strange here, because the changes are real, not imaginary. “Think about” sounds better.


Quiz No. 526




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A person who wins the most matches 今週のよくある英語の間違い: Co-host: Keiko

Afterward, we’ll go to a bar place

wedding and restaurant place

X wedding & restaurant place

Tim says:

I’ve written other Sign Language columns about signs that mismatch two things, such as a type of shop and something served in a restaurant (“restaurant and coffee”). In this case, not only are the two expressions an event (“wedding”) and a type of shop (“restaurant”), but… what is a “restaurant place”? A restaurant is a place already; it doesn’t need “place” after it.

The way to fix this sign is easy: just switch “wedding” and “restaurant”:

O Wedding place and restaurant

It’s a place where weddings are held, so “wedding place” is natural.


Quiz No. 525




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No. 015 BY (part 2)

write by a pen 今週のよくある英語の間違い:

A Tasteful Sign

Good taste menu in this store.

X Good taste menu in this store.

Tim says:

“Menu” in English means a list of the food available, but it can mean all of the available food itself, too. (Each dish on the menu is a MENU ITEM.)

“Good taste” is not an adjective; it should be “good-tasting”. “In this store” is not a mistake, but it sounds rather childish. Here are some more natural ways to say this:

O We have a great-tasting menu.

O Everything on our menu tastes great!

By the way, if we say someone has good taste, it means 「その人はセンスがある。」 This sign reminded me of that meaning, rather than the food-related one!
