This mistake has not been changed.

has been changed

X Imagine how food culture has been changed

Tim says:

The grammar of this sentence is not wrong, but why is it passive (受け身)? It doesn’t feel natural. We would use “has been changed” if we wanted to talk about who or what changed it (“our food culture has been changed by technology”), but otherwise, we’ll just say “changed”:

O Think about how food culture has changed

Also, “imagine” is a little strange here, because the changes are real, not imaginary. “Think about” sounds better.



It is rebuilding it

X It is rebuilding it.

「It」って?何がキディーランドを立て直しているの?2番目の「it」はそのお店のことですが、最初の「it」は何でしょう。Harajuku Cat Streetの猫ですかね?

「We are rebuilding it」とは、文法的に正しいですが、ビジネス的な英語ではないです。もっといい方法は、受け身です。

O It is being rebuilt.
