I have plenty of it at home, thanks

DogWiz (photo by Tim Young)

X Dog-Wiz

Tim says:

I really laughed at this one! I suppose that they meant “wiz” meaning “wizard”, or perhaps they meant “whiz” — someone who is good at something. They wanted to communicate that they’re good at providing dog supplies.

However, to an American, this shop name seems to mean 「犬のおしっこ」! I’m sure you can’t escape that aspect of caring for a dog; I don’t think we need a shop to provide it!

Let’s avoid that problem and call the shop this:

O Dog Wizard


Quiz No. 410


Do you have the time?


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今週のよくある英語の間違い: Co-hosts: Yuki Sukehiro, Haruka Murakami, and Kei Oonuki

Could you repeat that, please?

menu listb (photo by Tim Young)

X Menu list

Tim says:

I took this photo because “perm” (short for “permanent”) is misspelled on this sign. But later, I realized that this sign had a better mistake on it!

If you look up “menu” in the dictionary, you see: “a list of dishes available in a restaurant.” “a list of commands or facilities displayed on screen.” Yes! A “menu” is … a list! So “menu list” is just saying the same thing twice. It’s like saying “true facts”; all facts are true!

O Menu

Ayumi says:

美容院でよく見かける看板です。英語にした方がオシャレなのでしょうか? でも、それがおかしな英語だとしたら全然オシャレではないと思うのですが・・・パーマのスペリングにも問題があります。permanentの省略ですので”perm”であるべき。 さらに、menu listというのは、意味が重複しています。menuってリストのこと。 日本語で言えば、たとえば「鯨の捕鯨」「青い青空」「頭痛が痛い」にあたるようなおかしな表現です。

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Quiz No. 409


(ボスに聞かれて、彼が太郎君を探している時) 今日は太郎君に会った?


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Has this club been “dismembered”?

Member's Club (photo by Tim Young)

X Member’s Club

Tim says:

There are two problems here. The first problem is quite simple: This club surely has more than one member, but they’ve used the singular possessive form “member’s”, rather than the plural possessive “members'”. The apostrophe needs to come after the “s”.

But when I gave it a bit more thought, I realized another issue. ALL clubs have members. The entire idea of a club is that people can (or can’t) become members of it. So “members’ club” is meaningless; it tells us nothing about what kind of club this is!

This is a very exclusive private club, known as a 会員制クラブ. In English, let’s call it:

O Members-only Nightclub

Ayumi says:

いわゆる「会員制クラブ」のことのようです。 メンバー (会員) たちのクラブ、というつもりのようですが、そうであれば members’ と複数形の所有格である必要があります。どうもこの複数形の所有格を苦手とする方は多いようです。 例えば、両親の家だったら、 【×】my parent’s house 【○】my parents’ house 発音は同じですが、意味は違ってきます。もう1つの問題点は「クラブ」。 日本語では「クラブ」と言っただけで、夜お酒を飲むところを表しますが、英語のclubにはもっと多くの意味があり、これだけではどのようなclubなのかハッキリしません。 nightclubとすると誤解もなくなります。

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Quiz No. 408




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No. 198 RAMP

This isnt a ramp! Its just a slope!
This isn’t a ramp! It’s just a slope!
今週のよくある英語の間違い: Co-hosts: Kei Oonuki and Yuki Sukehiro

Quite a Sight

No Smoking Flore (photo by Tim Young)

X No Smoking Flore

Tim says:

Oh, come on. Give me a break! This is an incredibly simple spelling mistake.

There’s really nothing to explain here, but what is noteworthy is where I saw this sign: Tokyo Big Sight! I would hope that a place that wants to be thought of as an international convention center would try a little harder to get its English signs right.

For that matter, the name “Tokyo Big Sight” is, itself, odd. Most native English speakers assume that it’s called “Tokyo Big Site” (site=場所) rather than “Big Sight” (「大きい見ること」? What does that mean?). It would help Tokyo, and Japan, a lot to take a little more care to make more foreigner-friendly signs.

O No Smoking Floor

Ayumi says:

東京ビッグサイトで見つけた単純なスペリングミスです。 ちょっと辞書で調べれば簡単にわかるはずなのに、なぜこのような間違いが訂正されないままなのかが不思議。ところで Tokyo Big Sight には私も最初驚きました! 「ビッグサイト」と聞いてイメージするのは、Big Siteですから。 命名の意図としては、sightseeingのように多くの人が見に来るから。 そして音は「彩都」「祭都」などのにぎやかなイメージなのだそう。(これならsiteでも良さそうだが・・・) いずれにしてもこちらはスペリングミスではなかった模様です。

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