Your English has no heart

in congressional

X The automated external defibrillator is set up in congressional in the this hospital.

Tim says:

There are three problems with the English on this sign.

If you say “The automated…”, we would assume it’s the only AED, or it’s a specific AED that has been mentioned before. But it hasn’t been mentioned before, so “an” is better.

Someone has translated 「設置」 as “set up in congressional” — it’s hard to be sure what that means! Americans might think it has something to do with their Congress (国会)! A better translation is “installed”.

Also, as you probably realized, there’s no reason to have “the” and “this” together. You only need one or the other. In this case, “this hospital” would be better, because it means 「当病院」; “the hospital” is simply 「その病院」.

O An automated external defibrillator is installed in this hospital.

Thank you to ミキコリさん for sending this photo!


In Antarctica, below freezing is “normal”

an ice machine

X This water is normal temperature. The person needing ice, please use an ice machine.

Tim says:

What temperature is “normal”? Are there temperatures that aren’t normal? What this sign means to say is that the water is room temperature.

The person needing ice?” Only one person needs ice? I assume that many people will want ice! In America, the sign would probably address the reader directly with “you.”

Also, if you say “please use an ice machine”, it tells us that you don’t know where any ice machines are located. (Or, it could mean that there is more than one ice machine available.) But from reading the Japanese on this sign, we can see that there is an ice machine in the same room. Therefore, this sign should use “the” before “ice machine.”

O This water is room temperature. If you need ice, please use the ice machine.


Quiz No. 575

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A person who wins the most matches 今週のよくある英語の間違い: Co-host: Keiko

No. 283 SORRY

Going to a live show 今週のよくある英語の間違い:
  • 「sorry for late」という間違い
  • 「Hear the announce」
  • 「Have you ever flown a/the plane?」
  • Machigai Mail: 「残念です」という意味の一番いい英語
  • “L or R” answer (click here)
Co-host: Sayuri Kobayashi


once per two hours
X He calls his girlfriend once per two hours.
  • 「What time is it now?」はちょっと変な英語…
  • 「per」を使うと、あれはいらない!
  • 「本当に少ない」とは英語では…
  • 文法ポイント: 「per」の使い方
  • “L or R” answer (click here)
Co-host: Sayuri Kobayashi

Which one?

an escalator

X Please take an escalator to Imoarai-zaka

Tim says:

“An” escalator? This sign is right near an escalator! The sign is referring to a specific escalator, so it should use “the”!

Saying “take an escalator” implies that it’s up to you to decide which one to use. But there’s only one.

O Please take the escalator to Imoarai-zaka


Pick a door! Any door!

Please do not lean on a door (photo by Tim Young)

X Please do not lean on a door

Tim says:

Yes, you guessed right: this is another example of “a/the” confusion.

“A” is not specific. Therefore, “a door” could be ANY door. It sounds as if this sign is telling us to never lean on any doors, ever! (Although we would be more likely to write such a sign using the plural form: “Please don’t lean on doors.”)

Of course, this sign is telling us not to lean on a specific door that is near the sign, so “the” is needed.

O Please do not lean on the door

Ayumi says:

Please do not lean on a door.

田中亜由美は「TOEICテスト クロストレーニング PART 1・2」などの本は販売中!ブログはこちら.


It’s an simple mistake

Please push the button in a emergency (photo by Ayumi Tanaka)

X Please push the button in a emergency

Tim says:

Wow. That’s a pretty elementary mistake! “Emergency” begins with a vowel sound, so the indefinite article (不定冠詞) should be “an” rather than “a”.

By the way, please notice that I said “vowel sound”, not “vowel”. Some words are pronounced beginning with a vowel sound, even if the first letter is a consonant. For example, “an hour”.

O Please push the button in an emergency


Ayumi says:

最初に見たときには驚きました! だって、声を出して読んでみるとすぐわかりそうな、、、

in a emergencyってとっても言いにくいです。 「母音の前の不定冠詞は、aではなくanになる」って中学1年で習った記憶があります。

ところで、「母音字」ではなく「母音」であることに注意です。 スペリングだけを見ると「母音字」でなくても、音が母音であれば不定冠詞は “an”です。 たとえば、単語にMが1つだけ含まれるのであれば、

There is an M.

「エム」って母音から始まりますので。 とっても間違いやすいですので要注意!


田中亜由美は「TOEICテスト クロストレーニング PART 1・2」などの本は販売中!ブログはこちら.


We have English mistake, too

We have currency exchange machine (photo by Tim Young)

X We have currency exchange machine

Tim says:

I know that using “a” and “the” correctly is a big problem for many Japanese. But wouldn’t that have been a good reason to have a native speaker check this sign?

“Currency exchange machine” is countable. There is only one in this bank. The sign is not referring to something that the reader already knew about, so it’s correct to use “a” here, rather than “the”.

O We have a currency exchange machine


Ayumi says:

銀行で見かける表示、「両替機あります」と言いたいのでしょう。 この日本語では1台あるのか10台あるのかわかりません。だからなのでしょう、数を気にしない日本語を母語とする私たちにとっては英語の単複の区別や冠詞がとっても難しい。

machineは可算名詞ですので、単数の場合は冠詞が必要になります。(my, thisなどがある場合を除く)

ここでは、1台ありますということで不定冠詞 “a” が適切です。 たかだ “a” されど “a” 。ネイティブスピーカーにとっては抜けているととっても気になるものです。


田中亜由美は「TOEICテスト クロストレーニング PART 1・2」などの本は販売中!ブログはこちら.
