Hope it’s extra happy!

Happy Merry Christmas!

X Happy Merry Christmas

Tim says:

Just like last week’s photo, this week’s features some repeating. “Happy” and “Merry” mean the same thing! It’s kind of strange to use them both together. I feel as if the writer was thinking of “Merry Christmas” as one thing, and wanted to wish us a happy “Merry Christmas”. But, for a native speaker, that doesn’t make any sense.

O Merry Christmas


Make a graphic designer’s holiday happier!

happy holidays

X Ha ppy Holidays

Tim says:

Sometimes Japanese designers do things with English words that a native-speaking designer would never do. This is one example! You can’t just break a word in your design like this. Even putting a hyphen in the broken word would look bad — and even worse since words should only break between syllables, and the break in “happy” is after the first “p”. But broken words look bad in graphic design, no matter what. Even if you’re trying to make the words be shaped like a Christmas tree.

O Happy Holidays


Smile-kun, you’ve been very good today

Happy with smile (photo by Tim Young)

X Happy with smile!

Tim says:

This is a difficult one to correct.

There’s no doubt that it’s strange English. In part it’s simply because “Happy with a smile” would be more grammatically correct.

But even then it doesn’t sound natural. Maybe because, if you’re happy, it’s most likely that you are smiling. So it seems unnecessary to say so.

Also, “Happy with ~” sounds like it means that you are pleased with that thing or person.” For example, “My son did his chores around the house today, so I’m happy with him.” But I don’t think the car rental company who made this sign wants to say that they are pleased with their smiles!

Of course they want to say that their employees are smiling and friendly. So they could use a classic English slogan like:

O Service with a smile


Ayumi says:

Timの言うとおり、どう直したらよいのかがなかなか難しい。 おそらく日本語の感覚では「笑顔でハッピー!」なのでしょう。 だとしたら、Be happy with a smile! だったらどうか? What do you think, Tim? (Tim says: “It still sounds strange to me!”)

それとも We’ll make you happy with a smile! 形容詞のhappyがいきなりなのが違和感あり。 それが意味を不明にしている原因の模様。 従業員がハッピーなのか?お客様をハッピーにするのか?両方? この看板を見ればわかるでしょ?ってことでしょうか^^


田中亜由美は「TOEICテスト クロストレーニング PART 1・2」などの本は販売中!ブログはこちら.



Happy Price

X Happy Price


O A price that’ll make you happy!


Happy Bridal…something?

happy bridal

X Happy Bridal

「Bridal」は形容詞で、名詞がないので、何かが変。「Happy Bridal (名詞)」だったらいいですね。例えば:

O Happy Bridal Plan


O Happy Wedding
