Retain…something. What? Why?

Sender to Retain (photo by Ayumi Tanaka)

X Sender to retain

Tim says:

What should the sender retain?

The strangest thing about this “LetterPack” is that it only has English on it here and there. If I couldn’t read Japanese, I don’t think I would understand what to do, because the translation is so incomplete…

Sender to Retain (photo by Ayumi Tanaka)

If they’re going to provide an English translation, they should translate everything!

The translator seems to have been thinking of the phrase “The sender is to retain this sticker” or “The sender should retain this sticker.” But those are a bit long, and too formal. And, why should we talk about the sender in the third person?

O Please keep this sticker for your records


Ayumi says:


でも、Sender to retainって?



これは明らかにsenderを対象に書かれているので、youを主語 (→省略) にした命令文にするのが自然でしょう。

Please keep this sticker for your records「このシールは控えとして保管してください」


田中亜由美は「TOEICテスト クロストレーニング PART 1・2」などの本は販売中!ブログはこちら.



Valentine Co-hosts: Kei Oonuki, Julie, and Yuki Sukehiro 下の三角をクリックしたら、ポッドキャストを聞くことが出来ます。


stamp shop

X A corporate seal, a legal seal, the bank mark, and a rubber stamp


O Corporate seals, legal seals, bank marks, and rubber stamps

でも、「bank mark」とは、なだか分かりません…まあ、アメリカとかは印象を使うシステムじゃないですね。