No. 229 RIDE IN

write on a notebook 今週のよくある英語の間違い:
  • on/in a notebook
  • on/in a car
  • on/in a plane, ship, bicycle
  • by my car
  • drive/ride/get on
  • Machigai Mail: iPod の大文字と小文字
  • “L or R” answer (click here)
Co-hosts: Yuki, Haruka, and Kei


Is the bird flying in the sky? Or on the ground?
今週のよくある英語の間違い: Co-host: Chris

Quiz No. 420




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Quiz No. 406


彼はバイクに乗っているけど、 彼女はリムジンに乗っている。


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Entering your e-mail address will allow this form to send a copy of your answer back to you.


No. 194 MURDER

今週のよくある英語の間違い: Co-hosts: Yuki Sukehiro and Haruka Murakami

No. 193 MOON

in the middle of the night 今週のよくある英語の間違い: Co-hosts: Kei Oonuki and Yuki Sukehiro

No. 184 SPEECH

a peach giving a speech 今週のよくある英語の間違い: Co-host: Yuki Sukehiro

Is this sign TOTOly wrong?

For all sports of Japan (photo by Tim Young)

X For all sports of Japan.

Tim says:

The use of “of” here sounds a little awkward. I thought about whether we should say “all Japan’s sports” instead, but actually, I think it’s a little strange to use possessive here at all.

I think we would be more likely to use “in”:

O For all the sports in Japan.

Notice that I also added “the”. “All sports” by itself is fine, but we’re not referring to all sports; rather, we’re specifically referring to all the sports in Japan. Therefore, “the” feels necessary, because “all the + noun” sounds more specific than “all + noun”.


Ayumi says:



“of”は基本的に「所属」を表す。 スポーツが日本に所属しているわけではなく、日本の中で行われるスポーツを言っているので、”in”が正解です。



田中亜由美は「TOEICテスト クロストレーニング PART 1・2」などの本は販売中!ブログはこちら.


Fix this sign! It’s an emergency!

On Emergency (photo by Tim Young)

X On Emergency

Tim says:

Prepositions are difficult. It can often be very hard to guess which one is correct in a certain situation. And if you get it wrong, it can sound very strange to a native speaker, or even have a different meaning.

In this case, it just sounds a little strange: it’s still understandable. To sound natural, use “in”, and also use “emergency” as a countable noun:

O In an Emergency


Ayumi says:



「非常時には」「緊急事態発生時には」という場合には、In an Emergency

ちょうど、in this case「この場合には」のときの “in” と同じで、「~のような状況の中では」というイメージ。in this event / in this situation なども同様に。

でも、同じような意味でも on this occasion というのも・・・

Why “on” here, not “in”?

Help us please, Tim-sensei.


Tim says:

Why?! When I studied German in high school, my teacher said “Don’t ask why. It just is.” Haha.

I’m not sure of the “reason”, if there is one. But perhaps it would help to think of it this way: “situation” and words of a similar meaning are preceded by “in”. So we would say “in an emergency situation” (with “emergency” as an adjective). Perhaps “in an emergency” is an abbreviation for “in an emergency situation”?

In an emergency or other situation, you are surrounded by that situation. You aren’t sitting on top of it. Perhaps that’s why we use “in” for situations.

As for “On this occasion”, I guess we think of “occasion” as a point in time, rather than a situation. So we say “on this occasion” just as we say “on this day.”


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