Quiz No. 538




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No. 019 TO pt. 2: WEDDING

get married to someone 今週のよくある英語の間違い:

No. 018 TO pt. 1

go to swimming 今週のよくある英語の間違い:

Quiz No. 483




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Ripped from the headlines!

Vending Machine to donate part of the sales

X Vending Machine to donate part of the sales

Tim says:

This sign reads as if it were a newspaper headline. Except, as a headline, it’s incomplete, because it doesn’t explain what was sold. “Part of the sales”… of what? Also, vending machines do not think, so a vending machine itself cannot donate money!

Of course, this is actually written on the side of the vending machine, so it’s clear what is being sold: drinks! But because it’s not in a newspaper, this wording sounds strange.

We could change it to “This is a vending machine from which part of the sales will be donated“; this grammar is better, but I don’t think a native English speaker would write it that way. Starting with “Part of the sales…,” as below, sounds more natural. However, another question remains unanswered: who is the money being donated to??

O Part of the sales from this vending machine will be donated to…


Quiz No. 461




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The information counter’s passport collection

Please present your passport to the information counter.

X Please present your passport to the information counter.

Tim says:

Don’t you want it back?

“Presenting something TO someone” sounds like you are giving it to them, and not expecting them to return it. You’re simply going to show them your passport and receive it right back, so it’s better to use “at” instead of “to”.

O Please present your passport at the information counter.


Quiz No. 446




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Quiz No. 366




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No. 131 PUT ON

He put off putting on his clothes
He put off putting on his clothes
  • 「put on」と「wear」の違い!
  • 「wear」とは、名詞として使える?!
  • Don’t put this off!
  • MACHIGAI MAIL: 「I will write you a letter」
  • “L or R” answer (click here)
Co-host: Eri Nishimuro 2009年3月10日の再放送です。